Natural tips for Air Purification at Home without using Chemicals

  • 07/10/2019

Air Purification at home is of high significance as it has serious ramifications on the
health of residents. The air pollution at home can rise to alarming levels if proper
purification mechanisms are not in place. Sometimes, the air quality inside of the home
can deteriorate many times as compared to that of the outside. According to a study by
Harvard School of Public Health, around 3.3 Million people die every year due to air
pollution outdoor and indoor. This situation demands the immediate attention of the
home-owners to take measures for improving the quality of air at home.
Mostly, people use air purification chemicals to purify the air, which alongside providing
some benefits do some harm as well. It is not always advisable to use chemicals for air
purification at home and especially under circumstances when someone at home is
allergic to them. In this situation, natural and green techniques are available for
significantly improving the quality of air at home.

Improving Ventilation for Air Purification

One of the most natural ways of improving the quality of air inside the homes is having a
standard ventilation system. In case the air pollution outside is not high, windows can
be opened to remove smoke, dust particles and toxic compounds in the air. However, in
the case when outside air is polluted and opening windows will do more harm, trickle
vents can be used to purify and cycle the air. Similarly, exhaust fans can be used to
significantly improve the quality of air inside your homes. It is advised to keep your
kitchen ventilated since the cooking and burning can result in smoke and toxic
compounds in the air.

Keeping Indoor Houseplants

A study by American Study for Horticultural Science has found that keeping houseplants
can significantly improve the quality of air inside the homes and improve the health of the individuals in general. These houseplants can reduce the levels of carbon dioxide,
carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and benzenes compounds.

Beeswax Candles to neutralize toxic Compounds

These candles are among the most popular natural air purifiers. Traditional candles
release high levels of benzene, soot, and toluene in the air but the beeswax candles
burn with approximately no smoke and scent. At the same time, they neutralize toxic
compounds in the air and ionize other contaminants, hence making them ineffective.

Salt Lamps to reduce allergens, pathogens and airborne irritants

Himalayan pink salt has been found to be another effective natural purifier, which can
significantly improve the quality of air inside the home. When they are on, they can
reduce allergens, pathogens and airborne irritants resulting in reducing the pollution

Essential Oil Diffusers to reduce dust mites

A variety of oil diffusers are available, which can be used for air purification at home.
These diffusers can be added to the house cleaners or used independently, in order to
reduce the level of toxic contaminants at home.

General Cleaning of Home

General cleaning of the home is a must thing to do in order to significantly improve the
quality and living standards at home. Cleaning carpets, upholstery, air ducts, and other
items at home will reduce the pollution level and resist the growth of harmful bacteria’s,
allergens, toxic compounds etc. Performing the general cleaning of home regularly will
solve most of your problems.

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